Haze. Acrylic on Masonite. 42" x 26". 2020.



The painting Haze is like an abstraction or an excerpt, as the process for producing this work involved painting from a blurred photograph in stages. 

Given 25%, 50%, and 75%  blurred images of the same image, I spent a few days painting a mystery before getting another 'clue' or reveal as to what exactly it was that I was painting. Since the image was always in blurred black and white photographs, there wasn't a color scheme to give away the subject matter.

That left me with starting with basic shapes that slowly turned into the detailed figures seen in the finished work. Though, a bit of blurriness remains due to the style of painting I pursued. Having used a brush to dab and stamp the board, the composition's appearance is not as sharp. Hence, the hazy affect and title.