Untitled. Acrylic on Wood, Hands. 47 ⅞” x 48”. 2021.
Above: Full Image.
Initially a political statement piece (not publicly) on the sending of soldiers over to war, the retitlement and reflection of the artist looking back on the work after a year or so prompted a change in thinking.
The artist now invites viewers’ to determine their own interpretations based on the following:
A female figure holding a male figure.
The faces and expressions of the figures.
The blue of the female figure’s dress.
The white cloth the male figure is “wrapped” in (white flag, innocent babe, purity?).
The tattered remains of a flag.
The haziness or smokiness of the piece.
The wall, post, and positions of the figures.
The lack of stars on the flags.
The renaming of the image.