Marks of Service. Acrylic on Newspaper, Wood. 30” x 48”. 2022.



Initially used for the protection of another surface, ‘Marks of Service’ was rediscovered a while later; attached to it, the concept of what the words “service” and “mark” really meant. When one thinks of service members, does one think of “they have served their purpose” after their years in service? The same thought is constituted with newspapers; only, this piece is merging the two together. When one acquires a newspaper, it is, for the most part, a once and done read through. To have dedication and images to veterans makes one pause for a brief moment, doesn’t it? 

Yet, the reality is, many, upon returning, are treated much like this newspaper was treated. Sure, there are some services kind and dedicated to our veterans, but to what extent are they -we- giving “due service”? To what extent are we treating them that they still have purpose?